Plum-shaped elastic coupling

  • Form selection of steel grit safety coupling
  •   The torque transmitted by the steel grit safety coupling is determined by the size, power, working speed and steel grit filling of the coupling. Therefore, its model selection is different from other couplings and should be calculated according to The power, speed, the form and size of the two shafts...

  • Ever-Power's new technology product star elastic coupling
  •   Only with good products can we improve work efficiency in our work and achieve the greatest work goals.The star-shaped elastic coupling is the elastic coupling of the new technology product introduced in the coupling transmission products in our country. Our company is a professional coupling design and production...

  • How to solve or prevent the coupling failure
  •   Couplings are inseparable from any enterprise equipment. The operation of the coupling plays a very important role. However, if it is used frequently in the equipment, it will inevitably cause the machine to be strained. Therefore, we have to carry out frequent maintenance to guarantee the parts. Normal operation.Gear joint...

  • Explosion occurred in Tianjin Binhai New Area
  •   2015年8月12日23:30左右,位于天津滨海新区塘沽开发区的天津东疆保税港区瑞海国际物流有限公司所属危险品仓库发生爆炸。发生爆炸的是集装箱内的易燃易爆物品。现场火光冲天,在强...

  • "Four consecutive declines" in oil prices return to the era of 5 yuan
  •   After the reduction of refined oil products is finalized, the retail price of 0# diesel in all provinces still maintains the "5 yuan era"; from the perspective of gasoline, the retail price of 92# gasoline in the provinces and cities that implement the National Five Standards is still maintained at more than 6 yuan, while the implementation of National IV Among the standard provinces, nearly 76% of the area 93# gasoline will re-enter...

  • Core type elastic coupling
  •   The core-type elastic coupling is made of a number of combined rubber pins with steel rods or steel pipes in the center, and placed in the concave and non-through holes of the two halves of the coupling to realize the two halves of the coupling. Join. ...

  • Rigid coupling
  •   Rigid couplings are divided into flange couplings, radial key flange couplings, sleeve couplings, clamp couplings and parallel shaft couplings.Flange coupling: A coupling that uses bolts to connect the flanges of the two halves of the coupling to realize the two-axis connection;...

  • Tooth clutch
  •   The tooth clutch is characterized by its simple structure and compactness.In order to improve the bending strength of the teeth and facilitate the joining, the external teeth can be made into short teeth.The toothed clutch should be engaged at a standstill or at a low speed difference. ...

  • Briefly describe the relevant knowledge of rigid couplings
  •   Rigid coupling is a kind of coupling. It is widely used at present, but many users do not know its related knowledge very well. Here is a brief introduction: XNUMX. The structure of rigid coupling: rigid coupling The device consists of two...

  • Lubrication of gear coupling
  •   There are 3 lubrication methods for gear couplings, which can be selected according to different gear reducers and different load characteristics. 1. Powerful lubrication: Lubricating oil is sprayed into the small holes at the bottom of the gear teeth, and the oil enters the meshing surface under the action of centrifugal force to play a role of lubrication and cooling. ...

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