What is the function of adding a gasket in the middle of the coupling?

时间:2013-11-20 09:40 作者:admin 点击:
The purpose of adding a gasket in the middle of the coupling is:
When the equipment is started and stopped, it is easy to cause problems such as increased rotor movement and equipment overload. For such problems, add a gasket in the middle of the coupling. The gasket should be elastic. The spring gasket is used to prevent loosening.If there is a possibility of loosening when the bolts are connected, they should be installed to prevent loosening.Bolt loosening is caused by vibration, insufficient pre-tightening force, etc. The effect of adding a spring washer is only to maintain a certain pre-tightening force.
Under normal circumstances, it is better to add or not, but for some couplings, such as elastic pin, the effect of adding or not adding is not obvious, because the torque is not tight.So in order to relax you can use a double nut.
CouplingWork is a complicated process.It takes patience, meticulousness, and continuous exploration and summary in practice according to the procedure steps to make the coupling work more scientific, accurate and faster.
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