The difference between reamed bolts and ordinary bolts

时间:2014-08-13 19:38 作者:admin 点击:
Ordinary bolts can be disassembled and re-used, and can bear lateral and axial loads, but the lateral load bearing method is mainly based on the friction caused by the pre-tightening torque.
The diameter of the screw part and the basic size of the hole are generally different, (generally the hole size is 0.5 to 1 mm larger than the bolt size), so it cannot be called a fit.It relies on the pre-tightening force of the bolt to prevent relative sliding and movement of the connected parts.When there is relative sliding between the connected parts, the pre-tightening force is converted into frictional force to prevent its movement, so a larger pre-tightening force is required.  
Hinged bolts can also bear lateral and axial loads. The bearing method of lateral load depends on the shear strength of the bolt itself. Its lateral bearing capacity is much higher than that of ordinary bolts, while the axial bearing capacity is the same as that of ordinary bolts.
The diameter of the screw part is the same as the basic size between its holes, which is a transition fit (not a clearance fit).When there is relative sliding between the connected parts, relying on the shearing effect of the bolt itself to prevent its movement, so only a small pre-tightening force is required.
In addition to the tensile force, the bolt is mainly subjected to extrusion and shear stress.Reamed hole bolts are often used when the connected parts are subjected to extreme tension. 
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