Why is April 4st April Fool's Day and what are the reasons for its origin

时间:2015-03-31 19:18 作者:admin 点击:
Every April XNUMXst is a traditional folk festival in the West-April Fool's Day, also known as April Fool's Day.There are divergent opinions on its origin: one view believes that this custom originated from India’s "Festival of Interpretation".The festival stipulates that every year on the holiday of March XNUMXst, regardless of men, women, and children, they can joke and fool each other in exchange for entertainment.
The origin of April Fool's Day has the following theories:
1. April Fool's Day, in 1582, King Charles IX of France decided to adopt a new reform of the disciplinary law-Gregorian calendar (that is, the current universal solar calendar), starting with January 1st, changing the past to 1 The first day of the new year is the beginning of the new year.However, some conservative sects opposed this reform and still gave New Year gifts on April 4 according to the old calendar to celebrate the New Year.Proponents of reform mocked these practices of the old school and gave them fake gifts on April 1 and invited them to fake parties.Since then, teasing people spread on April 4.When someone is deceived, the person who teases him will shout: "April's Fool" ("POISSON D'AVRIL"), which means "April Prank".The origin of this idiom and its original meaning are unclear.
2. According to the textual research of British historians: the origin of "April Fool's Day" is the phrase "reach the other shore" in Indian Buddhism.The British Encyclopedia records: "April Fool's Day" is a liar festival that first appeared after the religious revolution in the XNUMXth century AD.At that time, King Philip II of Spain once established a "heresy court", as long as he was not a Catholic, he was regarded as a heresy, and he was executed on April XNUMXst every year.The subjects felt terrified, so they lied and teased every day to dilute their fear and hatred of the ruler.Since then, it has been used for a long time and evolved into today's "April Fool's Day".
3. It is said that about XNUMX years after the first human ancestor Adam, God used a flood to destroy the world, but only Noah, the descendant of Adam’s third son, Hui De, was left behind. He saved the family with a large man-made boat. The size of life.After the flood receded, Noah released a white dove to explore a piece of land after the flood receded, because this day happened to be April XNUMXst.Therefore, later generations believe that doing something meaningless on this day is like a white dove doing white work, acting stupidly, which is the origin of "April Fool's Day".
4. According to the ancient Roman records: Rome held the "vine ginger meeting" in early April every year. In a certain year, "the vine ginger meeting" was held in Rome. When they met Pharato, the king of the underworld, the two fell in love at first sight and showed love to each other. Pharato married Bai Luo Saipinna as the queen of the underworld. When the two of them returned to the underworld, Pharato sent the ghosts in the underworld to laugh and laugh. The sound, to fool Shirish, and Shirishguo was fooled, she was looking for the source of the sound.Therefore, they regard the annual "Man Jiang Meeting" as "April Fool's Day".
5. According to Christians, "April Fools' Day" is to commemorate the day of Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus was crucified before he was forced to run around. Later people will use April XNUMX to commemorate his innocent death. Crucified alive, in fact, has the meaning of vigilance.
7. The choice of time seems to be related to the "Vernal Equinox" (March 3). At this time, the weather often changes suddenly, just like nature is fooling humans.
8. There is a folklore in Britain that believes that April Fool's Day is related to a town called "Gotham Town".Legend has it that in the 13th century there was a tradition that all roads patrolled by the king would be publicly owned.The people of Gotham Town did not want to lose their main road, so they spread rumors, hoping to stop the king's inspection.The king then sent a news officer to investigate, and when the news officer arrived in the village, he found that the streets were full of silly people.The king abandoned his plan of inspection.So April Fool's Day came from a lie to commemorate the townspeople of Gotham Town.
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