Advantages and disadvantages of tire coupling

    日期:2014-10-20 18:38:54点击:171

  •   Tyre couplings are divided into UL, LLA, and LLB types. The tire body is one of the necessary spare parts for tire couplings.Tire couplings are divided into two categories: convex and concave. The convex is divided into three types: integral with frame, integral without bone and radial incision.For the inner side of the tire ring...
      Selection and Application of Drum Gear Coupling

    日期:2014-09-17 19:12:37点击:182

  •   To choose a suitable drum gear coupling, you must first select the type of coupling according to the comprehensive factors such as the power machine and coupling load, speed, and working environment; secondly, according to the coupling and connection conditions and other factors Select the coupling type; ...
      Eight operating characteristics of diaphragm coupling

    日期:2014-09-09 19:02:27点击:65

  •   1. It has a high power-to-mass ratio, which is especially suitable for connecting high-power power devices; 2. The non-linear change in stiffness between shafts effectively restricts the drift of the magnetic center of the motor; 3. No lubrication or maintenance can fundamentally eliminate gear coupling Vibration caused by tooth surface wear...
      Features of UL type tire coupling

    日期:2014-08-27 20:16:11点击:143

  •   UL type tire coupling has good shock absorption and buffering effect and compensation performance of shaft deviation. It is suitable for shock vibration, variable forward and reverse rotation, and frequent starting occasions. The UL type coupling is a high-performance elastic coupling, because the elastic element is an integral wheel...
      What are the commonly used couplings?

    日期:2014-08-18 19:17:47点击:136

  •   Commonly used couplings are: elastic couplings, diaphragm couplings, slider couplings, plum blossom couplings, rigid couplings.Its characteristics are as follows: 1. Elastic coupling (1) One-piece metal elastic body; (2) Zero backlash, synchronous operation; ...
      Different characteristics and uses of couplings

    日期:2014-08-15 19:46:12点击:134

  •   Flange coupling features: simple structure, low cost, can transmit large torque, does not allow relative displacement of the two shafts, no buffer.Purpose: Widely used in occasions with low speed, no impact, high shaft rigidity and good neutrality.Slider coupling: half coupling...
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