Beijing ushered in the 2014 China APEC Summit

时间:2014-11-08 19:42 作者:admin 点击:
What is APEC?In fact, it is the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization for short "Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation" (AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation-APEC).At the beginning of its establishment, it was a regional economic forum and consultative organization.It is a forum for promoting economic growth, cooperation, trade, and investment among various regions in the Asia-Pacific region.The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization was established in 1989 and currently has 21 member economies.APEC is a forum for economic cooperation. Its operation is to emphasize open dialogue and equal respect for the opinions of members through non-binding commitments and voluntary membership. It is different from other intergovernmental organizations established by treaties.After more than ten years of development, it has gradually evolved into an important economic cooperation forum in the Asia-Pacific region and the highest-level intergovernmental economic cooperation mechanism in the Asia-Pacific region in 2011.
APEC adopts the principle of cooperation based on autonomy, voluntariness and consensus, and its decisions must be agreed and approved by all members.APEC’s organizational structures include informal leaders’ meetings, ministerial meetings, senior officials’ meetings, committees, and special working groups.Among them, the informal leaders' meeting is the highest-level meeting of APEC.
The APEC has a total population of 26 billion, accounting for about 40% of the world’s population. Its gross domestic product exceeds US$19 trillion, accounting for about 56% of the world’s total, and its trade volume accounts for about 48% of the world’s total.This organization has a pivotal position in global economic activities.APEC has made continuous progress in promoting regional and global trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and developing economic and technological cooperation, and has made outstanding contributions to strengthening regional economic cooperation and promoting economic development and common prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.
2014年亚太经合组织(APEC)领导人会议周活动将于11月5日至11日在北京举行。 此次峰会的主题是:共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系。其中领导人峰会在北京怀柔雁栖湖举行,中国国家主席习近平主持峰会。此次峰会是时任中国国家主席胡锦涛于2012年在俄罗斯举行的第二十次峰会上宣布中方主办2014年的APEC领导人非正式会议。
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