The use of plum elastic cushion

时间:2015-11-16 19:02 作者:admin 点击:
The full name of plum blossom cushion is plum blossom elastic coupling cushion.It is used to buffer the transmission shaft of various heavy machinery equipment couplings.According to the material, it can be divided into polyurethane, rubber and nylon type.
Function: The plum blossom cushion is used in the middle of the coupling to dampen, insulate, and buffer the torque transmission. The torque transmitted by the plum blossom cushion of different materials and different hardnesses is different. The higher the hardness, the greater the transmission torque.
梅花形弹性联轴器主要适用于起动频繁、正反转、中高速、中等扭矩和要求高可靠性的工作场合,例如:冶金、矿山、石油、化工、起重、运输、轻工、纺织、水泵、风机等。工作环境温度 -35℃~+80℃,传递公称扭矩25~12500Nm,许用转速1500~15300r/min。
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