Factors that should be paid attention to when selecting couplings

时间:2013-08-01 18:21 作者:admin 点击:
There are many types, types, and specifications of couplings. Based on the correct understanding of the concepts of types, types, and specifications, the coupling should be selected according to the needs of the transmission system. First, choose from the couplings that have been formulated as standards. At present, China There are more than a dozen types of standard couplings formulated as national standards and industry standards. Most of these standard couplings are universal couplings. Each type of coupling has its own characteristics and scope of application, and can basically meet the needs of various working conditions. Under normal circumstances, designers do not need to design the coupling by themselves, and only need to design the coupling by themselves when the existing standard coupling cannot meet the needs.Standard couplings are easy to purchase, and the price is much cheaper than non-standard couplings designed by ourselves.Among the many standard couplings, the correct choice of the best coupling that suits your needs is related to the working performance, reliability, service life, vibration, noise, energy saving, transmission efficiency, transmission accuracy, A series of issues such as economy are also related to the quality of mechanical products. 
   When selecting a coupling, the designer should choose the coupling based on the needs of the shafting transmission system, and should avoid simply considering the coupling of the main and driven ends.
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