Several issues worthy of attention in the application of plum coupling

时间:2013-11-20 10:06 作者:admin 点击:
The plum blossom coupling has good balance performance and is suitable for high-speed applications (the maximum speed can reach 300000 rpm), but it cannot handle large deviations, especially axial deviations.Larger eccentricity and deflection angle will produce a larger bearing load than other servo couplings. Another issue worthy of attention is the failure of the plum blossom coupling.Once the quincunx elastic spacer is damaged or fails, the torque transmission will not be interrupted. At the same time, the metal claws of the two shaft sleeves mesh together to continue to transmit torque. This may cause problems in the system. Choose the appropriate quincunx elastic spacer according to the actual application. Material is a big advantage of this coupling.
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