Maintaining the coupling can extend its life

时间:2015-10-19 18:06 作者:admin 点击:
First, check visually to confirm whether the coupling has signs of wear or fatigue, and then clean the coupling;
    Then, if the coupling needs lubrication, check and replace the lubricating oil. Most couplings only need to replace the lubricating oil once a year.However, if it is used in harsh environments or special working conditions, the lubricating oil may need to be replaced every few months.
    The third is to record the maintenance work for each coupling and the maintenance date.
    Finally, if you want to increase the life of the coupling, you need to understand the cause of the damage before replacing the next coupling, such as: abnormal noise, including sharp abnormal noise or tremor, severe vibration or swing, lubricating oil Leaking or getting dirty.
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