Classification of rigid couplings

    日期:2014-11-05 19:09:59点击:80

  •   Rigid couplings are divided into flange couplings, radial key flange couplings, sleeve couplings, and clamp couplings.Flange coupling: A coupling that uses bolts to connect the flanges of the two halves of the coupling to realize the two-axis connection. ...
      Axial deviation of coupling

    日期:2014-10-21 18:02:48点击:165

  •   The elastic coupling can transmit torque and rotation angle, while absorbing the safety deviation of the shaft. When the installation deviation exceeds the allowable value, it may cause vibration or shorten the life of the coupling. Therefore, ensure that the deviation is adjusted properly. ...
      Five benefits of using LZ (formerly ZL) type elastic pin gear coupling

    日期:2014-09-18 18:31:36点击:115

  •   The base moment of the ZL elastic pin gear coupling realizes the connection of the two halves of the coupling. The coupling has the following characteristics: (1) The transmission torque is large, and the rotation diameter is mostly larger than that of the gear coupling at the same torque. The device is small, small in size and light in weight, which can partially replace the gear coupling...
      Installation steps of plum coupling

    日期:2014-09-12 19:07:40点击:63

  •   The first step is to check whether the prime mover and the working machine are concentric, whether there are wrapping paper and scratches on the surfaces of the two shafts, whether there are debris in the inner holes of the two half couplings of the plum coupling, and whether the inner holes are ridged before installation. Whether there are bruises on the side, if any, the shaft and half coupling should be cleaned...
      Comparison of single diaphragm and double diaphragm couplings

    日期:2014-09-10 19:03:50点击:131

  •   As the name implies, the diaphragm coupling is composed of several groups of diaphragms that are alternately connected with the two halves of the coupling with bolts. The elastic deformation of the diaphragm is used to compensate the relative displacement of the connected two shafts. It is a high-performance metal strong component. Sex coupling. ...
      Common clutch and working principle

    日期:2014-09-01 19:31:52点击:101

  •   Commonly used clutches include dog clutches, toothed clutches, disc friction clutches, cone friction clutches, pneumatic disc clutches and magnetic powder clutches mechanically controlled. Among the automatic control clutches are overrunning clutches, centrifugal clutches, safety clutches, etc. ...
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